Oak Bank School converted to academy trust status in November 2013. Its governance structure is established in the Funding Agreement (a contract with the Department for Education) and is shown in the
diagram below. It reflects the legal structure of the Trust as both a company limited by guarantee (i.e. without shareholders), and an exempt charity (i.e. accountable to the Secretary of State for Education,
rather than to the Charities Commission).
The Funding Agreement requires the Trust to adopt Articles of Association (updated 2022) that set out the broad constitution. The Trust is also required to comply with the DfE Academy Trust Handbook.
The information regarding Members and Trustees is published below the structure.
The Board is currently reviewing its diversity data and is considering what is appropriate to publish in light of the April 2023 recommendation from the DfE to publish information.
The Members have a particular role to oversee and ensure the good governance of the Trust but it is the Trust Board which is the legally responsible body for the effective running of the whole organisation, and the oversight of its finances. Members appoint the majority of Trustees and can also remove Trustees.
Our Members
Our Trustees
The Trust Board comprises people who become both directors of the company and trustees of the charity. In line with the Articles of Association they are known as Trustees. The Executive Headteacher is the Accounting Officer but is not a Trustee.
Former Trustees