Oak Bank Careers Education Information Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) & Post 16 Entitlement Programme
Ofsted 2019: “The quality of careers education and guidance is exceptional. Pupils are provided with a wide range of external provision that is carefully and thoughtfully considered with pupils’ interests in mind. Consequently, by the time they leave school, pupils mostly have clear pathways into work, college, the sixth form or occasionally apprenticeships”.
Ofsted 2015: “Outstanding careers guidance and excellent partnership working with colleges and other providers help pupils gain high levels of work-related skills and qualifications. This all helps them to make the right choice for their future employment or training”.
“There are excellent arrangements to support pupils’ transition into the world of work or college. The school uses a range of part-time alternative placements to enrich its curriculum and offer pupils opportunities to acquire vocational skills relevant to future employment or training”.
Context: Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) refers to a range of activities and interventions that inform pupil’s decisions regarding progression through their learning into further education and employability. The Education Act requires schools to secure access to independent careers guidance for pupils in years 7-13. A raise of the participation age, has increased the age to which all young people in England are required to continue in education or training. Pupils are able to choose from full-time education school or college, an apprenticeship/ traineeship, part-time education/ training, employment or self-employment or volunteering.
Careers Entitlement: All pupils from Key Stage 2 through to year 13 will take part in a Careers Education programme. Key Stage 2 – 4 will follow a timetabled Careers lesson accredited through the ASDAN Careers and Experiencing Work short course. 6th Form pupils follow the NCFE Award in Employability Skills. A detailed list of the Careers Entitlement available to pupils in each year group is detailed below.
Intent of our Careers programme: To inspire and motivate every pupil to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. Inspiring pupils through real-life contacts with the world of further education and work to help them understand where different choices can take them in the future.
To help pupils make a smooth transition to post -16 education, employment and training and onto adult life by supporting them to overcome barriers to participation. Identifying appropriate interventions and opportunities in supporting pupils to make informed decisions with regards to education and employment. Ensuring pupil’s voices are heard in the EHCP and Post 16 transition processes. Tracking the transition outcomes of pupils.
Implementation of Careers programme and partnership working: The whole school Careers provision is delivered through a cohesive programme of timetabled Careers lessons, individual independent careers interviews, Action Planning, Preparing for Adulthood Plans, External Provision placements, work experience and Post 16 Transition preparation. Through the whole school ASDAN accredited Careers curriculum, pupils are prepared for the responsibilities and opportunities that they will encounter in life and to aid them in making the right decisions for their futures.
Through independent careers interviews, all pupils are helped to develop a careers Action Plan which is regularly monitored and reviewed. Pupils have access to a range of career education resources and on leaving Oak Bank they have a CV and a record of their entire academic and extra curricular achievements ready for the world of further education or work.
We liaise with the Local Authority around intended destinations of pupils and highlight those intending to leave or at risk of NEET (Not in employment, education or training) and work closely with Local Authority Personal Advisors to secure positive outcomes for pupils.
Impact evaluations of Careers programme: Regular robust evaluations are undertaken, following the Careers Leader Impact Evaluation Toolkit. Feedback from pupils, parents/carers, staff and external agencies are used to judge the effectiveness of careers education and ensure clear learning outcomes are met. The whole school careers programme is evaluated through the Compass Toolkit throughout the year in order to continually improve and remain compliant with the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Performance Indicators of the Careers programme: Judgements are made on the quality of independent careers guidance and the extent of pupils’ Post 16 transition destinations. The extent to which the school has developed and implemented a Careers programme for ensuring that pupils receive effective careers guidance to help them make informed choices about their next steps. How well the school meets the needs of all vulnerable groups of pupils, including reducing the numbers who do not continue to education, employment or training. How well the school works with families and external agencies. Regular robust evaluations from pupils, parents/carers, staff and external agencies are used to judge the effectiveness of careers education and ensure clear learning outcomes are met. The whole school careers programme is evaluated through the Compass Toolkit on a yearly basis in order to continually improve and remain compliant with the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Post 16 Transition: All year 11/12/13 pupils receive a personalised Transition programme to help them in planning for their future. It’s not just about what they study, it’s where they study.
Pupils are supported in considering all options including school or college, training, apprenticeships or employer. Guidance provides a detailed explanation of all their choices and includes
What qualifications are on offer, where they can study and how different qualifications can impact their future choices.
The Careers programme is reviewed and updated yearly. Review date October 2024
Post 16 Transition data can be viewed in the link below:
A link to the Oak Bank 6th Form page can be viewed via the link below:
Careers Strategy and Entitlement. Can be viewed in the link below:
Careers Policy. Can be viewed in the link below:
Provider Access Statement. A full copy of this statement can be viewed in this link below:
Employer and business access. We welcome visits from employers and business to support the education of our pupils on employability and Labour Market Information.
A provider wishing to request access should contact Mr Steve Ball Phone: 01525 374559
Email: sball@oakbank.beds.sch.uk
Points of Contact
Careers Leader: Mr Steve Ball Phone: 01525 374559 Email: sball@oakbank.beds.sch.uk
Careers Tutor & Post 16/18 Lead: Mr Steve Ball Phone: 01525 374559 Email: sball@oakbank.beds.sch.uk
Careers Link Governor: Beverley Dass
Enterprise Link: South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP)
Enterprise Advisor: Paul Turney Electrification & Plant Engineer, Network Rail
STEM Ambassador: Dr Maria Simon, The University of Bedfordshire
Parents/Carers can make an appointment to discuss Careers Education and Post 16 Transition with a member of the Careers Team. Contact sball@oakbank.beds.sch.uk