Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure


    Introduced in April 2011, the Pupil Premium is a government initiative that provides additional funding to support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. Research indicates that pupils from these backgrounds often underperform compared to their non-disadvantaged peers.

The Pupil Premium aims to address this inequality by accelerating the progress of eligible pupils and enabling them to reach their full potential. Funding is allocated to schools based on the number of pupils entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) and those who are Looked After by the local authority. Additionally, a Service Premium is provided for children of parents currently serving in the armed forces, targeting their emotional and social well-being.

Key Aims

At Oak Bank, our primary aim is to raise the attainment and progress of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding so their performance aligns more closely with their non-Pupil Premium peers. However, we recognise that progress must be measured not only in academic outcomes but also in terms of social and emotional development, effort, and engagement in education.

Pupils at Oak Bank often face complex barriers to attainment due to their social, emotional, and mental health (SEMH) needs, which can be further compounded by:

  • Poor attendance
  • Family relationship breakdowns
  • Cultural, social, financial challenges
  • Health concerns

To address these challenges, we focus on personalised support and judge progress from the point of entry, using previous data and baseline assessments. Our goal is to enable every pupil to become the best version of themselves while reducing inequalities in education.


Outstanding teaching and learning are at the heart of our strategy for improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. This is a consistent and unwavering focus at Oak Bank, with staff fully committed to this goal.

In addition, targeted interventions and support strategies are implemented to:

  • Improve levels of attainment and progress
  • Close attainment gaps relative to school averages
  • Enhance skills in mathematics, reading, writing, and communication
  • Develop engagement through a comprehensive enrichment provision
  • Build confidence, aspiration, and success among pupils
  • Support pupils in their transition to Post-16 education through an extensive external provision programme

Approaches and Strategies

We have identified a range of strategies tailored to the needs of Oak Bank pupils, including:

  1. Clear Policy and Transparency:
    • A detailed Pupil Premium policy, approved by governors and published on the school website.
  2. Teacher Responsibility:
    • Ensuring class and subject teachers are aware of eligible pupils, enabling them to take ownership of accelerating progress.
  3. Data Analysis:
    • Regular monitoring of pupil achievement data to assess the effectiveness of interventions and strategies.
  4. Staff Training:
    • Comprehensive training for staff to ensure systematic, consistent focus on high-quality education and positive behaviour management.
  5. Personalised Support:
    • Individualised timetables, including external provision, specialist resources, and 1:1 intervention programmes delivered by Family Support Workers, Well-being Mentors, Behaviour Support Workers, TAs, and teaching staff.
  6. Reward Systems:
    • A robust rewards programme promoting Oak Bank’s ‘Good to be Good’ culture, fostering positive behaviours and attitudes towards learning.

Through these measures, Oak Bank is committed to ensuring all pupils, regardless of background, have access to the tools and opportunities they need to succeed.

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