Our values curriculum is an essential part of Oak Bank School life. Our values-based approach is referred to as our ‘ASPIRE skills’ and this is embedded in all we do. 

We believe the values contribute to a strong learning environment that enhances achievement and develops pupils’ social, emotional and relationship skills.  Not only are the values held in high regard, acknowledged and celebrated in the pupils, but they are modelled by staff throughout.

Our whole school approach helps develop well rounded and resilient learners. It breaks down the pre-conceptions of ‘fixed mindset’ and allows personality and character to flourish in a safe and progressive way. It quickly liberates teachers and pupils from the stress of confrontational relationships, freeing up quality learning time where a positive attitude is most valued.

Oak Bank School ASPIRE skills are key to equipping our pupils with relationship skills, intelligences and attitudes to succeed at school and in their future

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