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Vocational Educational

Welcome to the Vocational Education Department (VocEd)

VocEd is studied by all pupils at Oak Bank from KS2 to KS4.  The programme not only offers an alternative to traditional academic subjects but also allows pupils to learn key skills directly related to specific trades or crafts.  By developing skills that are specific to a trade or job role pupils can improve their employment prospects and get ahead in their chosen career.

‘In vocational subjects, pupils make excellent progress at the school and in their off-site provisions. Pupils spoken with were highly confident and valued the experience and skills gained. Many secure further training or employment in the subject they have studied, such as plastering, fish husbandry, music technology, sports and fitness and sports leadership.’ Ofsted 2019

The vocational subjects that are offered at Oak Bank are; Design Technology, Trade Skills, Food Technology, Animal Care, Art, Horticulture and Music.

The Programme

KS2Pupils will study all vocational subjects on a rotational basis.  This allows them to embed key skills in all areas and develop their interest and abilities.
KS3Pupils will study all vocational subjects on a rotational basis.  They will develop their skills and have the opportunity gain AQA awards in all areas.
KS4Pupils will opt for one or two vocational subjects and begin to study their subject to a higher level where they will have the opportunity to gain short courses, level 1 and level 2 qualifications in their chosen subjects.
EP ProgrammePupils in KS4 will have the opportunity to attend external providers for specific work related learning.  Here pupils can further develop their vocational skills in areas such as; plastering, catering, music production and motor mechanics.


The Vocational Education Department at Oak Bank is committed to providing a diverse range of practical subjects tailored for students in Key Stages 2 to 4. This pathway allows them to explore subjects such as Art, Animal Care, Design Technology, Food, and Trade Skills, ensuring they develop a solid foundation before specialising in two subjects in Key Stage 4. Post-16, students have the option to further their studies in Animal Care and Food courses.

Our curriculum is designed to be broad, ambitious, and aligned with the national curriculum, ensuring all students have access to a rigorous academic program that promotes challenge, achievement, and progress. We prioritise inclusivity, enabling students of all abilities to engage in practical learning experiences that ignite their passion and motivation across various subjects.

Key Features of Our Curriculum:

Broad and Inclusive Approach: Our curriculum spans from Key Stage 2, where students work towards AQA unit awards through half-termly rotations. In Key Stage 3, they progress to ASDAN short course awards on a termly basis. By Year 9, students choose two vocational subjects for further study, which continues into Level 1/2 qualifications in Years 10 and 11.

Subject Highlights:

Animal Care: We offer a comprehensive academic program covering animal care, welfare, and husbandry. Students can achieve a Level 1/2 BTEC in Animal Care by Year 11, ensuring high expectations for challenge, achievement, and progress.

Design Technology: Our curriculum emphasises creativity and achievement through practical projects that integrate skills in problem-solving, prototyping, technical drawing, and project management. This approach supports students across subjects like Maths, Science, ICT, and Art, fostering a holistic learning experience.

Food: Students develop essential culinary skills starting from basic food handling to advanced techniques in safety, nutrition, and cooking for diverse dietary needs. The curriculum aligns with National Curriculum expectations and prepares students for Level 2 qualifications, enhancing their skills in a practical kitchen environment.

Trade Skills: Our program equips students with foundational knowledge and practical skills in various trades, preparing them for Level 1/2 qualifications or apprenticeships. The focus on industry-recognized skills fosters independence and prepares students for future careers.

Integrated Learning: Our curriculum is intelligently sequenced to build long-term knowledge and skills, promoting cross-curricular connections. This approach allows students to work at their own pace, developing individual pathways that cater to their learning needs and interests.

Cultural Enrichment: We expose students to global experiences through diverse curriculum content, encouraging an appreciation for cultural diversity and promoting interconnectedness in a multicultural society. This includes themed weeks and projects that explore different cuisines, design traditions, and trade practices worldwide.

Reading Focus: Reading is integrated across all subjects, enhancing comprehension and critical thinking skills. Each department features dedicated reading areas and resources that support subject-specific learning and research, empowering students to explore topics independently.

Context-Specific Support: Our curriculum addresses the needs of students who may require additional support in numeracy and literacy, embedding these skills across all vocational subjects. We prioritise safety and well-being, ensuring a supportive environment where students can thrive both academically and personally.

Values-Driven Education: Oak Bank promotes core values of respect, responsibility, and safety across all vocational subjects. This values-driven approach fosters principled individuals who prioritise kindness, excellence, and integrity in their academic and personal endeavours.

Underpinned by Rules: We uphold strict rules to maintain a safe and inclusive learning environment, ensuring students engage responsibly and respectfully in practical activities. Safety protocols are rigorously followed to safeguard students and staff throughout their learning journey.

At Oak Bank, our Vocational Education Department is committed to empowering students with the skills, knowledge, and values they need to succeed academically and personally. We aim to cultivate a positive and inclusive school culture that prepares students for future challenges and opportunities in the wider world.

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