
The school has a comprehensive Enrichment programme that forms part of the Behaviour management system. Enrichment is offered both daily (the last session on the day on Monday-Thursday) There is also a whole afternoon of activities on a Friday. All of the activities are delivered with the objective of developing the Social, Emotional and physical wellbeing of the pupils

Daily Enrichment:

The majority of pupils work on the basis that they earn activities when they have displayed positive behaviour throughout the day. If a pupil gains a red criteria, this will automatically place them in ‘detention’ where they will be required to go through a de-brief with key staff.  

Friday Enrichment:

In order to access Friday activities, pupils are set a personal target at the beginning of each week. This will include the number of Criteria and points that staff believe is a personal target to challenge each pupil. Pupils agree targets with their key worker, it is shared with all staff. Pupils also gain engagement and behaviour points in lessons. This will determine, if the pupil has met their target, which activities they can access. For example, pupils with the highest points totals will be prioritised fro off site trips to activities such as Ice skating, cinema or Ten Pin bowling. 

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