Food Technology

The Food Technology department aims to provide pupils with a basic working knowledge of food preparation, nutrition, personal hygiene, food storage, and cooking to a budget.

Each unit is designed to provide opportunities to include literacy, numeracy, social interaction, practical skills and a sense of achievement.

In Year 5/6 students work towards a Certificate of Achievement in Food Preparation. They will learn about the Key Skills required in preparing and cooking simple dishes.

In Year 7 students will learn Basic Skills in the Kitchen, Food Safety and Basic Nutrition. Practicals will include Dough Making (Pizza), Cakes, Icing, Pastry, and preparing vegetables for Pasta Sauce.

In Year 8 students will development their knowledge of nutrition and learn a wider range of Kitchen Skills. Practicals will include Savoury Rice, Frittata, Curry, Pasta dishes, biscuits/cookies.

In Year 9 students will learn about special dietary requirements and Food Labelling. Practicals will include Cottage Pie, Apple Tarts, Chicken Stir Fry, Meatball and Pasta, Cheese Sauce and Choux Pastry.

Year 10 and 11: AQA, ASDAN, and Level 1 BTec.

Students who decide to study Food Tech as part of the Option Programme will learn about Food Assurance and Animal welfare, working to a set budget, planning and presenting Special Events, and the importance of good and bad food choices.

Practicals will include Special Event Cakes, Fresh Pasta, Risotto and Design and hold a Lunch Party for 4 people on a budget.

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