Key Stage 2

    • KS2

All Key Stage 2 pupils are assigned a member of staff that works within the key stage as their Key Worker. The role of the Key Worker is to offer support and build relationships with the pupil and their parents/carers during their time at Oak Bank. We firmly believe that having good relationships with parents/carers has a big impact on pupil behaviour and engagement. The Key Worker will meet with their pupil every morning during tutor time and will set targets, arrange strategies and share a visual timetable for the day. Regular contact will be made with the home to make sure parents/carers are aware of any positive or negative behaviours. We have parent/carer consultation days at the end of every term where parents/carers are invited into school to meet the staff and see examples of pupils’ work. 

Pupils at Oak Bank in Key Stage 2 will have lessons in the following subjects:

In Key Stage 2 at Oak Bank pupils are mostly kept apart from the other Key Stages but they do have a chance to interact with the other pupils during social times such as lunchtime or enrichment. 

The Key Stage 2 classes are kept as small as possible (maximum 6) and there is always at least one teaching assistant as well as the teacher in lessons. 

Key Stage 2 pupils can achieve Level 2 status if they are able to complete 30 days of positive behaviour. As a reward they are given extra privileges such as access to their own Level 2 room, 3000 Vivos (School currency), first choice for enrichment and extra Level 2 school trips. 

At Oak Bank we like to encourage Year 6 pupils to participate in the SATs tests.  We do however understand that some of our pupils may not be at that level academically or emotionally and this is always taken into consideration before entering pupils into the process. 

At the end of Year 6 we have a transition process into Key Stage 3 where pupils have a week with their new teachers and key workers. This reduces anxiety for our pupils over the summer holiday and hopefully gives them a positive start when they start Year 7 in September. 

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