
Safeguarding at Oak Bank

At Oak Bank we consider ourselves a family. This means we are here to help. Our role is to ensure that all children have the best outcomes by working in their best interests – always.

If you have concerns about your child or another child who attends Oak Bank, please contact one of the school’s Safeguarding staff.

If you have an emergency-please refer to contacts below.

Safeguarding team

Priority contacts in order:

Priority 1 Hayley Blount  (Deputy DSL) (07712358125)

Priority 2 Rory Day (Deputy DSL) 07532 712 971 /

Priority 3 Leanne Cresswell  (Attendance Officer & Family Worker) Tel (07455151318)

Priority 4 Rachael Freer  (Designated Safeguard Lead/Deputy Headteacher) 01525374559/07525816241

Safeguarding Governor  -Mr Richard Johnson

If you are worried or have urgent concerns and you cannot contact any of the above, please seek advice or support from the following numbers outlined below. If you believe a child is at immediate risk, always contact the police.

The school Safeguarding team will not be available during school holidays.

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs:

Central Beds Access and Referral Hub: 0300 300 8585

Luton Mash: 01582 547653

Bedford Borough Integrated Front Door: 01234 718700

Emergency Duty Team: 0300 300 8123

Herts : 0300 123 4043

Buckinghamshire:01908 253169 or 01908 253170 email

Outside these hours contact the Emergency Social work team on 01908 265545

Bedfordshire Police:
Bedfordshire Victim Care Services:   Tel. 0800 0282 887
Bedfordshire Against Exploitation, resources and information:
Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership:

Chat Health and Parentline resources in Bedfordshire:
Chat Health is a secure and confidential text messaging service, which allows children and young people to easily and anonymously get in touch with a health professional to ask health related questions they might have including mental health, drugs, relationships, healthy eating and much more. A member of the school nursing team will be there to answer text messages from 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays). TEXT 07507 331450

The Parentline text messaging service is for all parents of children 0-19 years and is a secure and confidential text service. It offers advice and support on a range of issues including mental health & wellbeing.  TEXT 07507 331456

You are not alone  – please contact us if you need support.

Please see Central Bedfordshire’s offer of Early Help support:

A child or young person at risk of harm

Online Safety

Think U Know: Guide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people from Think U Know. (

CEOP: Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you/your child online? Make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors

Internet Matters:

Help with the law?

Sexual Health

Brook: 01908 669215

Child Sexual Exploitation

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000 /
LSCB: (Luton Safeguarding Children Board)

Female Genital Mutilation

NSPCC 0808 800 5000 /

Mental Health

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)


Accident and Emergency (A&E)

Forced Marriage / Honour Based Violence

Karma Nirvana: / Tel: 08005 999 247

Extremism / Radicalisation / Prevent

NSPCC: / 0808 800 5000

Domestic Violence or Abuse

Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership

2000 247 /
Are you aware of these two text messaging services for parents and
young people across Beds and Luton? 

Parentline: for parents and carers of those aged 0-19


TEXT 07507 331456  


TEXT 07507 331886

Parentline offers advice
and support on a range of issues such as weaning, sleep and emotional health.
You can also find out how to access other local services. Watch our short animation:


Support for young people

Support for children, young people and families:

·         Childline is a free, confidential counselling service for anyone under 19: Tel: 0800 1111; website 

·         NSPCC adviceline for sexual harms in education settings Young people and adults can contact the NSPCC helpline, Report Abuse in Education on 0800 136 663 

·         Young Minds provide information for young people, parents and professionals on a range of mental health issues and can be found at 

·         Their parent’s helpline can be accessed on 0808 802 5544 

·         YoungMinds Crisis Messenger, provides free 24/7 support across the UK for young people experiencing a mental health crisis, on 85258

·         Child law advice: For information related to child law provide easy to understand information, and their child focused version can be found at  



Chat Health: for
young people aged 11-19
ChatHealth is a similar service for young people to confidentially ask
for help about a range of issues or make an appointment with a school nurse.
Young people can also find out how to access other local services including
emotional support or sexual health services.

Bedfordshire:    TEXT 07502 616070



Food Banks

Black Horse House
21 North St, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1EQ
Open 24 hours
Phone: 01525 381129

The Trussell Trust Food Bank

80a Houghton Rd, Houghton Regis, Dunstable LU5 5AD
Phone: 07874 200056


Luton Food Bank
3, High Town Enterprise Centre, York St, Luton LU2 0HA
Phone: 01582 725838


The Food Bank
9 Hollin Ln, Stacey Bushes, Milton Keynes MK12 6HT
Phone: 01908 322800


Bedford Food Bank
71 Murdock Rd, Manton Industrial Estate, Bedford MK41 7PL
Phone: 01234 268569

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